If you are planning to use Kubernetes or want to redesign your Kubernetes stack according to best-practices, this is for you. Don't reinvent the wheel. We have implemented many Kubernetes stacks in production, so you can focus on your business.
With our Quick Start, we can get you a production-ready Kubernetes stack in a week. You will get a scalable and stable setup. We will teach you how to use the stack, so you can get back to software development. And don't worry, you will get all the code.
Kubernetes Quick Start

Are you spending time on implementing Kubernetes infrastructure instead of application development? Get focus on your business using our libraries to get a high-quality Kubernetes stack in no-time.

We use the newest technologies and best-practices that have been proven in production for years. We maximize quality because we continuously improve and work using market standards.

Time to market
Kubernetes implementations generally take several months, and require highly specialised engineers. We can implement a high-quality Kubernetes stack in a week, customised to your organisation and 100% ready for production.


Infrastructure Libraries
Our standardised Code Libraries can be used to setup a production-ready Kubernetes stack in no-time in Azure, AWS or GCP. All libraries are setup completely as-code using the latest standards and best-practices.
The components include an entire observability stack, which is needed for a Kubernetes stack in production. It comes with centralised logging, metrics, dashboards, alerts, integration with slack, teams or other channels, so you can resolve issues before they are know to your end-users.
All our components are setup using the latest open-source standards and best-practices. We will give you all the code, so you can safely build on top of the platform without any kind of vendor lock-in.
Best-practices & Standards
The Code Library includes predefined environments using our best-practice architectures. These environments have been battle-tested in production and are built using many iterations. Depending on your organisation, you can choose an architecture that best fits your need.
These environments include everything you need to build a production-ready Kubernetes stack. Spinning up a complete Kubernetes stack only takes a few commands.
You will get access to our documentation with architectural principles, diagrams, maintenance manuals, LCM notes and more. We will keep you up-to-date on the latest developments.

Support & Maintenance
We believe you should do what you're good at. Which is building software for your business. We excel at Infrastructure and Kubernetes Platform engineering. Let's work together!
Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Use our standardised Libraries and our expert knowledge to increase your Time To Market for Kubernetes development. We can help you get results faster, and focus on your business.

Many iterations
We have implemented Kubernetes many times in production. At scale. With success. We know what works and what doesn't. After many iterations, we built a standardized stack based on the latest best-practices. We want to see you succeed!

No vendor lock-in
We believe in Open Source and open standards. This is how Kubernetes was born and what made it successful. We build an open architecture, all components in the landscape are easily interchangeable. No architectural or vendor lock-in. We give you all the code, so you can extend it and build upon the platform.

Personal care
We deliver quality and believe this is best done personally. We will take the time to personally teach you everything and answer your questions. We are here to help you, whether it is for an architectural sparring session or so you don't have to spend days to fix an issue.