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Kubernetes introduction

This Kubernetes training series consists of 3 trainings. After the series, you will have the foundational knowledge and practice for using containerization and Kubernetes. 


The trainers are field experts and use Kubernetes on a daily basis. All trainings are interactive and start with some theory and discussion, followed by a hands-on workshop.

1. Containerization & Docker

The first part of the Kubernetes introduction series will focus on containerization. Container concepts need to be understood well, because Kubernetes is 100% based on container technology.


Why are we using containers, how do they compare to Virtual Machines? We will discuss the advantages, best-practices, important architecture concepts and best-practices.


The training consists of 40% theory, 60% hands-on

Workshop (hands-on)

  • Run Docker images as containers on your local machine

  • Retrieve logs and analyze container workloads

  • Build your own images using Dockerfile, including multi-stage Docker Builds

  • Exposing ports using port-mappings

  • Configuring containers using environment variables and volume mapping

  • Use a Docker registry for images, and run Docker images built by a colleague

2. Kubernetes introduction (part 1)

After understanding containerization, we touch on the Kubernetes architecture and basic concepts.


In this workshop we will discuss the need for container orchestration and concepts like reconciliation & desired state configuration. You will learn about the architecture and all major Kubernetes components with their responsibilities. We will also walk through the most used Kubernetes resources that exist within a cluster: Namespaces, pods, services, deployments, etc.


The training consists of 40% theory, 60% hands-on

Workshop (hands-on)

  • Spin up a local Kubernetes cluster on your own machine

  • Walk through the pre-created Kubernetes workloads

  • Create basic Kubernetes resources using kubectl commands and apply yaml declarative state

  • Deploy basic Kubernetes applications with deployments, pods, services, port-forwarding, labels & selectors

  • Do a basic rollback for deployments

  • Inspect pods and interact with running containers on Kubernetes

3. Kubernetes introduction (part 2)

In the third workshop, we will dive deeper into Kubernetes and its functionality. We will discuss cloud-native architecture and more advanced Kubernetes concepts and best-practices like Ingress Controllers, other service types, like LoadBalancers, and we will look at the interaction with Kubernetes and cloud. We will look at High Availability, self-healing, liveness and readiness probes, secrets, configmaps, and more.


There is always room for client use-cases to be discussed, or customization of content.


The training consists of 30% theory, 70% hands-on

Workshop (hands-on)

  • Run a container on Kubernetes with environment variables from configmaps and secrets

  • Configure multiple Kubernetes pods, communicating with each other using Kubernetes configuration

  • Configure a Kubernetes application to be production-ready, using readiness and liveness probes

  • Install Helm and rollout open-source applications using Helm Charts

  • Setup an Ingress Controller on Kubernetes 

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